Thursday, March 5, 2009

For All Who Love David

I just started this blog mostly for David's mom and dad Lloyd and Sari. You have both always been lights in my life. First as Mrs. Miller, Sari you were my teacher and a great one at that. Lloyd, well you fixed our cars....ok, you are so much more than that also, you're a great friend and have served your community in Scouts, and so much more.

You both gave us David, a wonderful friend, a charmer, a car lover, and a smarty pants to boot! He always will be know for those great traits of his.

This blog is for you, because as his parents we want you to know all of our stories and have all the pictures we've collected, so that maybe we can help keep David's spirit alive. Maybe you have done this a million times already, but I can only imagine you've walked by David's room or a favorite spot and could almost feel him there, and want to just talk to him. (I can barely stand to type right now just thinking about it.) None of us have to go through what you will and we know that! However, we want and hope this will be like walking into David's will come to this blog to see who was influenced by David and remember him well.

For those of you reading this who are friends and family members of David's, I invite you to post anything you wish on here. Please e-mail me at and write a story and include any pictures you have. All of us need to grieve, and I hope this will help us to do that, but much more. I hope this blog will be a light to others, that we will all remember that someone's light does not go OUT when they leave this world. David's already watching us from a much better place, and he is there when you think he is, watching over your shoulder and helping you along.

David IS a wonderful guy, he always was as a child, so full of life and energy. He'd light the room as soon as he walked in. I had the pleasure and privilege to have been in the same daycare as he was, my mom ran it, and technically I also helped her out. Since I am only a little older than David, we were also buds. He always was kind to me. On a side note one of my favorite memories of David (possibly slightly inappropriate, but nonetheless relevant) was that once I got a little older and was "developing" I noticed what a charmer he started to be. He would open doors and give the BEST hugs in the world. I don't have any pictures with me at the moment, so I hope you all can help me out here. Also any favorite songs/type of music would be appreciated so we can crank up the tunes too, we all know that's how David's room would be.

I hope whomever sees this blog will have the warmest feelings in their hearts when they leave it, so come on in there's a comfy seat to sit in and just hang out for a while, remember and honor this precious young life!
-Jenifer (Smith) Fenstermaker

1 comment:

  1. This was a speech I wrote in honor of David. I didn't get a chance to deliver it;however, I want to share it all with you

    I can’t recall the first time I met David, but what I do remember are the countless personal traits he has instilled in me. One trait David taught me was how to be a person of character. He exemplified the scout oath, and the scout laws, a code that he lived throughout his life. David was my mentor, role model and my hero.
    When I first entered Boy Scout Troop 377, David was the Senior Patrol Leader. My first day as a scout, I remember David proudly walked up to me and gave me the most confident hand shake a man could give. David’s firm grip was one of a person who knew what they wanted and where they wanted to go. His smile was warm and welcoming and I instantly felt like part of the group. Although David wasn’t the tallest person, he had this amazing ability to gather people to his cause and lead them through any challenge.
    As scouts we didn’t always decide on the safest activity, but with David around, we all knew that we would survive. On a trip to box canyon, the troop agreed do a little bit of spelunking. Exploring up and down these dark caves we discovered this ledge that descended what seemed like 50 feet. And for some god forsaken reason, we decided to repel Ryan Graham down this ledge. With only nine guys, one piece of rope and David we fastened a harness for Ryan (of course only David knew the proper knots.) You may be wondering what nine 11-13 year old boys were thinking, but with David there we were all confident that we could complete this audacious task. Acting as the anchor, David strongly held the rope, safely around his waist. His brown eyes were firm with confidence and the ultimate goal ahead, while the rest of us we lowered Ryan into the darkness. There was no fear among us as we worked together as a team, David leading from behind. Inch by inch the rope scraped against the edge of the rock, until Ryan was safely at the bottom.
    That’s the kind of person David was, an anchor. Not only in his size and strength but he was also the type person that you knew you could depend on to get the job done. No matter what, David was there to lend a helping hand or words of encouragement, always with a smile. David Miller was also a man of profound character. He was always willing to make the right decision, no matter the cost or consequence. His attitudes on life were of excellences, duty and honor. He understood what it meant to be a man of character and demonstrated this in his daily life. I have met no other person who has been so influential to me, his friends, his family and his community.
    I will continually look up to David, a man of strength, confidence and pride. David had a passion for learning and for life. I know that David is somewhere up there riding his bike through the clouds, with his smile that we all love and miss. David we miss you, we love you and please watch over us.
